The First Sunday in Lent


    The First Sunday in Lent | March 1st, 2020

    Whole Service

    Psalm 143:1-6

    A psalm by David.

    Lord, hear my prayer.
    Give ear to my cry for mercy.
    In your faithfulness, answer me in your righteousness.
    Do not bring charges against your servant,
    because no one living can be righteous before you.

    For the enemy pursues my soul.
    He crushes my life to the ground.
    He makes me dwell in dark places like those long dead,
    so my spirit grows faint inside me.
    Within me my heart is devastated.

    I remember the days of long ago.
    I meditate on all your works,
    and I consider what your hands have done.
    I spread out my hands to you.
    My soul thirsts for you like a weary land.

    The Profound Penitential Realization

    I. We need help, but we don’t deserve it

    II. The enemy is relentless, which is depressing

    III. But God is always faithful, and He delivers us!